Friday, January 02, 2009
Uh oh!
On the 27th, the weather went crazy. The temperature rose 50 degrees, winds were 65-70 mph for hours, and the rain was a torrential downpour (for a little whlie at least). Unfortunately, all this bad weather knocked down our beautiful 60 ft. pine tree. It was uprooted and fell hard on our house over the garage. It hit so hard that the neighbors felt it and came out to see if a tree his their house. The branches punched holes down through the roof, some of which went into the playroom right where Laney and Hadley were playing minutes earlier. Laney has some residual anxiety issues (like nightmares and fears of people in the house), but the important thing is that no one was hurt. Our house will be turned upside down for a few weeks, but back as good as ever when it is finished.

Christmas was so special this year. This was the first year that the magic of this holiday was real for Laney. She kept talking about Santa bringing her toys and was very excited for Christmas morning to arrive! Hadley is a little too young to understand what the heck was going on, but it was fun watching her play with the paper and try to eat everything she could get close to her mouth. We had family over for breakfast and gift opening, and spent the rest of the day playing with the toys.

Hadley is getting SO BIG Already!
Hadley is getting so big! She is doing so well, and is honestly one of the happiest babies we have ever met. She smiles and gigles constantly, and has started to make word sounds instead of just grunting and squealing. She has also started scooting around the floor...We found her behind the couch yesterday! She loves playing with her sister. They hold hands, talk, and look at eachother. It's really cool to see the bond they already have.