We had our last ultrasound with Dr. Gentry's office today. It was a little bit sad and a little bit exciting to be leaving his care, but it is a great sign that things are going very very well. The nurse, Bea, even told us everything looked "perfect"! When we finally saw the ultrasound, we were so excited! BITTY HAS ARMS AND LEGS!!! Bitty even sort of has a tail where the spine extends beyond the hips. You can actually see the brain here too! If you look at Bitty's head (far right again) the dark spot is his brain (it takes up more of Bitty's head from another angle, but we didn't get that shot). The gray part going from Bitty's waist over to the side of the gestational sack is the umbilical cord, and if you look really closely, you can sort of make out part of the placenta (try looking for a faint line below Bitty's arms). We are so excited to finally be going to a NORMAL doctor. We are so excited it is ridiculous! As always, thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. Joey has been really REALLY sick, so please pray for her comfort as well. She has actually lost almost 10 pounds because she can't keep anything down. Our next ultrasound isn't for a few more weeks now, but we will be back on the site to ask for your help with names and to guess the birth weight, date, and length.
Wow!It is so amazing how fast they grow. You will be holding your little Bitty before you know it!We are so excited for the both of you and we can't wait to experience all the fun things about having good friends with a little one. Jackson will be so happy to have a friend.We can't wait to see Bitty's next picture.
Love you guys,
Trisha, Clint, & Jackson
Dear Joey & Blake,
Pops and I are SO excited to 'see' Bitty! This is a great looking web site and we love that technology allows us to watch Bitty growing...and isn't Bitty doing a good job! It is amazing how fast the baby grows.
And, I do believe Grandfather Ira is right - I think Bitty does look a bit like him!
Continued prayers and love to ALL of you in the Alsman Family!
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